Familiarity with the semi-automatic shrink wrap machine for food products

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The price of a semi-automatic shrink wrap machine for food products depends on several parameters. Can shrink wrap machines be used for packaging food products? Which type of shrink wrap machine is more suitable for packaging food? Do you think the functionality of each shrink wrap machine is specific to packaging one type of product? To get the answers to these questions, I suggest you stay with us.

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The shrink wrap machine is one of the final packaging devices. It is used for packaging products either in bundles or individually. This machine is even used for products that already have a secondary carton packaging. The main advantage of this type of packaging is the ease of transportation, easy storage, and protection against dust and moisture.

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In this machine, shrink film or shrink wrap is used for packaging. The property of shrink film is that it begins to shrink when exposed to heat. The machine operates by wrapping the shrink film around the product, sealing both sides, and then transferring the product into a heat tunnel. The film begins to shrink when exposed to hot air at temperatures ranging from 110 to 200 degrees (depending on the thickness of the film), and it shrinks as much as possible to conform to the product. A typical example of this type of packaging can be seen in soft drinks and doogh.

[av_heading tag=”h2″ padding=”5″ heading=”Semi-Automatic Shrink Pack Machine” color=”meta-heading” style=”” custom_font=”” size=”” subheading_active=”” subheading_size=”15″ custom_class=”” admin_preview_bg=””][/av_heading]

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The semi-automatic shrink wrap machine is one of the best-selling packaging machines. This machine is used for packaging products in small workshops, home-based businesses, or low-volume production in large factories. Almost all products that are packaged by automatic machines are also packaged by the semi-automatic shrink wrap machine.

The semi-automatic shrink wrap machine is produced in two types: tunnel and cabin. The cabin shrink wrap machine is used for packaging products with small dimensions, while the tunnel shrink wrap machine is suitable for both large and small packages. The packaging speed (capacity) of the tunnel shrink wrap machine is higher than that of the cabin shrink wrap machine.

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Almost all products that are packaged by automatic machines can also be packaged by the semi-automatic shrink wrap machine.

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Guide to Choosing a Shrink Wrap Machine

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[av_heading tag=”h2″ padding=”5″ heading=”Tunnel Shrink Pack Machine” color=”meta-heading” style=”” custom_font=”” size=”” subheading_active=”” subheading_size=”15″ custom_class=”” admin_preview_bg=””][/av_heading]

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One of the most cost-effective packaging machines for various industries is the tunnel shrink wrap machine. The advantages of the tunnel shrink wrap machine include:

  • Very low packaging cost
  • Very high packaging speed
  • Easy transportation of products
  • Quick storage and space-saving
  • Prevention of moisture and dust infiltration
  • Visibility of all angles of the product inside the packaging

The tunnel shrink wrap machine is designed in small, medium, and large sizes for various products. Depending on the production line speed and product volume, these machines can be ordered in semi-automatic or fully automatic versions.

As mentioned, this machine has two main parts: the row aligning and sealing section, and the heat tunnel section. The heat in the heat tunnel is supplied by electrical energy or gas. Machines that use both methods are called dual-fuel shrink wrap machines. The advantages of using a dual-fuel machine include:

  • No stoppage of the production line in case of electricity or gas outage
  • Lower gas consumption cost compared to electricity
  • Lower consumption of gas-powered machines compared to electric machines
  • Fast heating of the gas-powered machine


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[av_heading tag=”h2″ padding=”5″ heading=”Cabin Shrink Pack Machine” color=”” style=”” custom_font=”” size=”” subheading_active=”” subheading_size=”15″ custom_class=”” admin_preview_bg=””][/av_heading]

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It is worth mentioning that the cabin shrink wrap machine is the best-selling type of shrink wrap machines. Due to its small size, economical price, high usability, and low maintenance and repair costs, the cabin shrink wrap machine has gained high popularity.

This machine is used for packaging small-sized products. The shrink film used in these machines is a two-layer film with one side open. After placing the product inside the shrink film and transferring it into the cabin, the sealing (L-seal) and shrink wrapping of the product are performed simultaneously.

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Familiarity with cabin shrink pack

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[av_heading tag=”h2″ padding=”5″ heading=”Food Shrink Pack Machine” color=”meta-heading” style=”” custom_font=”” size=”” subheading_active=”” subheading_size=”15″ custom_class=”” admin_preview_bg=””][/av_heading]

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The shrink pack machine is one of the most widely used packaging machines for food products, especially various beverages such as soda, mineral water, buttermilk, milk, and more.

The shrink pack machine can also be used in other branches of the food industry, such as packaging dates, biscuits, cookies, and more.

The cabin shrink pack machine is also one of the most widely used machines, and due to its affordable price, economic efficiency, and small size, it is used by many small workshops for final product packaging. You can view various shrink machines and get more information about these machines by clicking on the provided link.[/av_textblock]

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[av_heading tag=”h2″ padding=”5″ heading=”Price of Semi-Automatic Shrink Pack” color=”meta-heading” style=”” custom_font=”” size=”” subheading_active=”” subheading_size=”15″ custom_class=”” admin_preview_bg=””][/av_heading]

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The price of a semi-automatic shrink pack machine is determined based on the dimensions of the heating tunnel and its heating type. Based on the information provided to our consultants, the appropriate machine is introduced, and its final price is announced.

Our recommendation has always been that customers prioritize the quality and performance of the shrink pack machine over its price.

[av_heading tag=”h2″ padding=”5″ heading=”Food Shrink Pack Sales” color=”meta-heading” style=”” custom_font=”” size=”” subheading_active=”” subheading_size=”15″ custom_class=”” admin_preview_bg=””][/av_heading]

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Given Radan Machine Industrial Group’s primary focus on food industry machinery, our team is well acquainted with most of the existing requirements in this field and has always strived to adhere to them in the design and manufacturing of machines.

Therefore, the food shrink pack sales unit can easily understand customers’ needs and take steps toward designing an efficient and effective machine.

For information about the sales conditions and price of the food shrink pack machine, please contact us.[/av_textblock]

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